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Updated Q&A on COVID-19 for foreigners in Tainan (Ver. 20220801)

Part 1: Overall Epidemic Preparedness and Control in Tainan

Q1: How can I get Tainan City’s latest COVID-19 information?


  • For foreigners who know Chinese:
  1. Live-streamed Press Conference: Please visit the Facebook page of Tainan City Mayor Huang Wei-che (https://www.facebook.com/taiwanweicher/) or Tainan Today (https://www.facebook.com/tainantoday/).
  2. COVID-19 Information Zone Webpage: Please visit the official website of Tainan City Government (https://www.tainan.gov.tw/cp.aspx?n=29145 ) or the Bureau of Public Health (https://health.tainan.gov.tw/ ).
  3. Tainan City Government line page: https://page.line.me/860fmwvf .
  • For foreigners who do not understand Chinese:

Tainan City Government has translated major announcements and epidemic information into both English and Japanese. Please access our English and Japanese official websites for regular updates (English: https://www.tainan.gov.tw/en/ ; Japanese: https://www.tainan.gov.tw/jp/ ).

In addition, Tainan City Government will also translate major announcements and epidemic information into Thai, Indonesian, Vietnamese, and Filipino languages, then announce on Tainan City’s New Immigrants’ Care and Counseling website (https://tnda.tainan.gov.tw/fs/servicezonelist.asp?nsub=A5A100 ).


Q2: If schools are closed in response to the pandemic, how can Tainan City Government ensure that students continue to learn without interruption?

A2:  If schools at all levels, and public and private kindergartens suspend face-to-face classes, as well as educational institutions such as after-school care service centers and cram schools, Tainan City’s Bureau of Education has already established an on-line learning hub (https://hlearning.tn.edu.tw/modules/hlearning/#learnTab1  ) that offers both on-line learning resources (public live streaming courses), and non-real-time learning resources (provided by the three major text-book publishers and the five main micro-curriculums). The one-stop learning resource hub provides convenience and accessibility for all students to continue their education while staying safe and healthy at home. Teachers can also use the platform to offer their own courses for real-time distance learning.

As for online learning hardware, all schools must provide essential equipment or device to students in need, make sure all student can access to the online educational resources. For students without internet environment at home, they can temporarily go to school and use on-campus internet.


Q3: What is the current pandemic situation in Tainan?

A3:  Please visit Tainan City’s Public Health Bureau for most updated information of the current pandemic situation of Tainan City: https://health.tainan.gov.tw/tagpage.asp?tagid=66E1CB49-8F65-4F88-9D02-D4E4781D49C5


Q4: What are the heightened sanitization and disinfection measures taken in public places in Tainan?

A4: Tainan City Government has completed comprehensive disinfection measures at major public venues in Tainan, including train stations, underpasses, bus transit stations, and the High-Speed Rail station. Disinfecting focus on outdoor areas and frequently easy-touched public surfaces, including waiting chairs at transportation hubs, pedestrian sidewalks, and public restrooms. The city government has also notified the public transportation operators, large-scale business venues, and community management offices to thoroughly implement sanitization and disinfection measures and conduct self-management. Meanwhile, encouraging to reveal the disinfection frequency and show the sign of “This area has been fully disinfected.”, to rest assure the public.


Q5: What is the information about COVID-19 vaccination in Tainan City?

A5: For vaccination information, please refer to the city government’s official website and line page for the latest information. Please also visit the Public Health Bureau’s COVID-19 Vaccination webpage for further information: https://health.tainan.gov.tw/tagpage.asp?tagid=592A288C-E4C1-4440-A229-C441C11CDC76  .


Part 2: Home Quarantine and Home Isolation

Q6: Are quarantine hotels available in Tainan?

A6: For those who need to stay in quarantine hotels, please visit the matching and reservation website (http://tnch.tncghb.gov.tw:8080/home) for quarantine hotel information in Tainan, or call the Public Health Bureau hotline (06-2880180) for further assistance.


Q7: Are quarantine taxis available in Tainan?

A7: All quarantine taxi drivers have completely taken their professional training, conduct self-health management daily, and regularly report their health status. For those who need quarantine taxi, please call the Public Health hotline (06-2880180). The Public Health Bureau will conduct an assessment, then through the Bureau of Transportation to dispatch a quarantine taxi to you. The taxi fare follows the regular rate of normal taxi.


Q8: What are the guidelines for individuals under home quarantine/ isolation?

A8: Please stay at home or place of lodging. Please always wear a mask. Remain indoor and refrain from taking public transportation. Please record your own temperature twice a day, in the morning and at night. Relevant agencies will contact you daily to check on your health status. If you have any questions, please contact the Bureau of Public Health’s hotline at 06-2880180. Regarding home quarantine measures for those traveling from abroad to Taiwan, please refer to the latest guidelines by the CECC (https://www.cdc.gov.tw/En ), will be adjusted at any time in response to the epidemic situation of domestic and abroad.


Q9: What should I do if I feel ill during home care, quarantine or isolation period?

A9: Transformation information for home care individuals to the hospital will be adjusted accordingly. Please refer to the latest CECC guidelines (https://www.cdc.gov.tw/En )


Q10: Is telemedicine service available for individuals in Tainan?

A10: When home quarantine/isolation individuals do not feel well and

require medical care, please contact the Public Health Bureau hotline (06-2880180) for assessment. Once the assessment is completed and deemed necessary, the Public Health Bureau will arrange the suitable hospital to contact you directly for telemedicine service. After the diagnosis, will ask your family member or designated person to take your patient’s National Health Insurance card (NHI card) to the hospital to pay and collect the medicine charges. Below is the list of the medical institutions with telemedicine service: https://web.tainan.gov.tw/homecare/cp.aspx?n=33642 . 


Q11: How should I handle my garbage during home health care/quarantine/isolation?

A11: If you need to have the garbage collected, please call the Bureau of Environmental Protection hotline (06-2686610) to set up a pick-up time. It is usually once every five days, but as the request increases, trash collection capacity can be compromised. Please be advised keeping the trash at home if your space allows. Once the home quarantine/isolation period ends, you may use the regular way to throw it to garbage truck.


Q12: What are the home care guidelines for those confirmed with COVID-19?

A12: Responding to this surging wave of the pandemic, the government is starting to activate the home care system for those confirmed with COVID-19. For information about who qualifies for home care, the life and medical support offered, or plans for home care individuals to visit the hospital or ask for medicine when needed, please refer to the city government’s official website and line page, or the CECC official announcements for the latest information. More information please visit Tainan COVID-19 Home Care Service Center website: https://web.tainan.gov.tw/homecare/cp.aspx?n=33642 .

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