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Minutes of Tainan City Government’s 627th Municipal Administrative Meeting 01/02/2024

Mayor’s Remarks:
1.     This year, as we celebrate the 400th anniversary of Tainan, we call upon relevant bureaus and departments to prepare diligently for the forthcoming festivities. In commemoration of this momentous occasion, we are not only planning a series of events but also envisioning institutional reforms and several public infrastructure projects. As we embark upon the new year, we urge all bureaus and departments to conduct thorough municipal administrative reviews to enhance the performance of government services. Additionally, we are eager to engage with the public by holding various activities, with the aim of fostering positive transformation in our society.

2.     Following the termination of the contract for the "new construction project of the Nansi Branch of the Second Disaster Rescue Squadron of the Tainan City Government Fire Bureau," we kindly request the Public Works Bureau's assistance in determining the compensation amount applied for and the Department of Legal Affairs’ assistance in addressing any litigation issues. In the future handling of this project, we encourage the Fire Bureau to streamline the design process for efficiency.


1.     The Department of Legal Affairs provided a report titled "Introduction to the Significant Bills Passed during the 7th and 8th Sessions of the 10th Legislative Yuan" (refer to written sources for details).
Resolution: Approved for reference filing.

Mayor’s Comments:
In each legislative session, the Legislative Yuan passes a considerable number of bills, excluding repeals and textual adjustments. While many of these bills fall under the purview of various ministries and councils, they have direct implications for local governments and the rights and interests of the public. It is imperative that all bureaus and departments stay abreast of the laws and regulations within their jurisdiction through the Department of Legislative Affairs’ reports. This is essential to prevent a situation in which central regulations have been updated while local governments still adhere to outdated laws. Such a discrepancy can significantly impact people's rights and interests and erode public trust in the government's commitment to lawful administration. To address this issue, all bureaus and departments are requested to monitor closely the amendments made by the central government to collaborate in implementing revised regulations related to local government autonomy. Timely dissemination of these changes to the public is essential to ensure the seamless implementation of policies.

2.     The Police Bureau presented a report on "Fraud Prevention Strategies and Accomplishments in Tainan City" (refer to written sources for details).
Resolution: Approved for reference filing.

Mayor’s Comments:
(1)     In recent years, there has been a continuous surge in fraud cases. Historically, certain fraud groups returning from overseas have faced only misdemeanor convictions by the court. To address this issue and reduce the risk of such crimes, it is essential for the Legislative Yuan of the Central Government to revise the law, elevating fraud from a mere misdemeanor. Additionally, there have been instances where Taiwanese individuals have either actively or passively participated in fraud abroad, resulting in not only the loss of their freedom but also threats to their personal safety. These incidents have, on occasion, garnered significant attention in the media and stirred public concern. 

(2)     Thanks to the diligent efforts of the Police Bureau, our city has achieved the top ranking among the six special municipalities in terms of performance in fraud deterrence. To achieve this, three distinct levels are utilized to prevent and deter fraud incidents. The first level focuses on empowering individuals to avoid falling victim to scams. The second level involves strengthening measures to block and deter fraud within financial institutions, supermarkets, farmers' associations, fishermen's associations, post offices, credit unions, and banks. The third level involves a substantial commitment of manpower and resources by the police to construct cases, track down culprits, and then proceed with prosecution through the Prosecutor's Office and sentencing by the court, which is a process known for its time-consuming nature. Therefore, the first and second levels are crucial, which not only reduce the resources and time needed for litigation and investigation but also protect individuals from monetary losses.

(3)     As technology continues to advance, people have more opportunities to use the Internet. Consequently, many new forms of criminal activity primarily revolve around stealing personal information and credit card numbers, as well as conducting illicit online banking transactions for fraudulent purposes. These criminal tactics have heightened the complexity of fraud prevention. The Police Bureau is requested to leverage technology for strengthening fraud prevention strategies and to collaborate with banking institutions to research and enhance security measures pertaining to online fund transfers. The objective is to prevent the public from falling victim to deceitful schemes.

(4)     Thanks to the dedication of our colleagues in the Police Bureau and financial institutions, coupled with the vigilance of the public, the incidence of fraud cases has seen a notable reduction. We kindly request that relevant bureaus and departments, such as the Education Bureau, Social Affairs Bureau, and Civil Affairs Bureau, continue to strengthen their efforts in promoting fraud prevention measures. 
