27 ~ 30
  • 無法取得空氣品質指標(AQI)相關資訊!!
  • 1
27 ~ 30
  • 無法取得空氣品質指標(AQI)相關資訊!!

Minutes of Tainan City Government’s 663rd Municipal Administrative Meeting Mayor’s remarks 09/10/2024

Major’s Remarks:
1. September 17th marks the Mid-Autumn Festival. The Civil Affairs Bureau, Social Affairs Bureau, Fire Bureau, and Environmental Protection Bureau are asked to continue promoting the use of centralized sites for the burning of joss paper and to enforce the ban on setting off firecrackers and fireworks. The Tourism and Travel Bureau is requested to provide quality tourism options and designate legal sites for barbecues, ensuring citizens can enjoy a safe, healthy, and joyful holiday. Although this year's Mid-Autumn Festival does not include consecutive days off, minimizing its impact on traffic and transportation, relevant bureaus and departments are still urged to maintain environmental cleanliness, ensure public safety, and manage waste removal to reduce potential public complaints.
2. Thanks to the dedicated efforts of city government teams, various bureaus, and departments, we have expanded our sales channels for agricultural specialties and processed products into Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia and have successfully penetrated the European market. The Agriculture Bureau is encouraged to continue monitoring channels that show a willingness to collaborate and to engage actively with farmers' associations and farmers to match high-quality agricultural products for export. Furthermore, when traveling abroad on official business, bureau and department directors or staff are encouraged to bring promotional materials or agricultural specialty products as small gifts. This will aid in promoting our city’s culture, tourism, and agricultural specialties. A similar approach could be adopted during exhibitions held abroad or in other counties and cities. All bureaus and departments are urged to maintain effective cross-bureau and departmental coordination to enhance these initiatives.
3. The submission deadline for supplemental documents required for the subsidy applications for water-damaged vehicles has been extended to September 30. The Transportation Bureau is tasked with closely monitoring the progress of these applications and ensuring that funding approvals are expedited. Additionally, the Social Affairs Bureau is urged to accelerate the processing of subsidies for households affected by flooding.
