27 ~ 30
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27 ~ 30
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Minutes of Tainan City Government’s 664th Municipal Administrative Meeting Mayor’s remarks 09/16/2024

Major’s Remarks:
1. Today, the 16th, is a working day before the holiday. We ask all colleagues to remain at their posts. Tomorrow, the 17th, marks the Mid-Autumn Festival. We wish all citizens a happy and wonderful holiday.
2. The Tsengwen Municipal Vision Park was inaugurated at the end of last month. Bureaus and departments relocating to this park are urged to leverage their administrative capabilities to serve efficiently the citizens of the surrounding community and to report timely on user statistics and park performance. Given the extensive area of the park and the need for adequate security and lighting surrounding the park, the Civil Affairs Bureau is requested to apply promptly for the secondary reserve fund. Additionally, all relevant bureaus and departments are encouraged to finalize quickly the planning of pedestrian and vehicular flows, as well as bus routes, to ensure accessibility and safety.
3. The Tainan City government has announced a strict prohibition on setting off firecrackers or barbecuing in park green spaces. The Police Bureau, Environmental Protection Bureau, and other relevant bureaus and departments are asked to enforce this policy. Additionally, this weekend will feature events, such as the Tainan Sports Carnival, Confucius Temple Cultural Festival, Bring the Art to Your Community, and Guanziling Hot Spring Food Festival. Responsible bureaus and departments are urged to implement appropriate supportive measures in advance, including traffic management, public security, and environmental cleanup.
